Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tranquility and peace...

1. The length of your life has already been decided upon, for everything takes place according to preordainment and decree. So there is no need to feel anxious in that regard.

2. The decision of how much sustenance anyone of us receives is with Allah alone: no one else owns that sustenance or has the power to take it from you.

3. The past is gone and has taken with it its woes and miseries. It cannot return even if the whole of mankind worked as one unit to bring it back.

4. The future from the unseen world and has not yet arrived. It bring it matters, showing no regard from your permission or feelings, so do not call it forth until it actually arrives.

5. Doing good to others bring happiness to both the heart and the soul. A good deed provides grater benefits to the benefactor - in terms of blessings and recompense and peace - than it does to the receiver.

6. Among the noble qualities of the believer is that he doesn't concern himself with spurious criticism. No one has been saved from curses and criticism, not even Allah , The Lord that all exists, Who is Prefect and Exalted.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bila hati dah gelap...

Orang kecil jika ikhlas diperas, Jika diam ditikam. Jika protes dikentes, Jika usil dibedil. Orang kecil jika hidup dipersoalkan, Jika mati tak dipersoalkan. Lebih baik jadilah orang besar, Bagiannya selalu besar. Orang besar jujur-tak jujur makmur, Benar-tak benar dibenarkan. Zalim tak zalim dibiarkan. Orang besar boleh bicara semaunya, Orang kecil paling jauh dibicarakan saja. Orang kecil jujur dibilang tolol, Orang besar tolol dibilang jujur. Orang kecil berani dikatakan kurangajar, Orang besar kurangajar dikata berani. Orang kecil mempertahankan hak, disebut pembikin onar. Orang besar merampas hak, disebut pendekar. By K.H.A Mustofa Bisri

P/S: Itulah al kisah dunia masa kini.. Orang yang ikhlas akan diperah keringatnya.. Bila berdiam diri, ditindas. Bila kematian datang, tak diambil iktibar. Bila jadi orang besar, nisbah kekayaan lebih kepada dirinya. Org besar hak suara dutamakan, orang biasa dipinggiran sahaja. Bila yang kecil nak menegakkan yang hak, seolah-olah mengugat kepentingan orang lain. Orang yang jujur dikatakan lurus bendul. Aduhai, nauzubilah moga2 diri kita tidak termasuk dalam golongan sedemikian....

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Duaa by Syeikh Fahd Al Kandari

O Allah, we ask u by every name u hv
By every name that u given to urself
And by every name u hv sent us in ur book
And by every name u hv thought to ur creation
And by any name that no one knows except u
To Attach Glorious Arabic Qur’an to our hearts
And by And make it radiate in our chests
And have it end our sadness
And make it take away our stress
O Allah, u alone know the weight of mountains
And u alone can grasp the dimensions of the oceans
And u alone know the number of raindrops
And u alone know the number of leaves (trees)
And u alone know the number of nights
And number of days through time
And by eve O Allah of the universe
And by every name u have sent us in ur Book

Yesterday will never return..

"In order that you may not be sad over  matters that you fail to get..." (qur'an 57:23)
"Janganlah berdukacita terhadap apa yang luput dari kamu, dan janganlah kamu terlau gembira apa yang telah diberikan-Nya kepada kamu....." (Qur'an Al-Hadid 57:23)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Coretan Bermula...

Kuntum bikhair kepada anta dan enti sume..
Salam ceria, salam ceria kepada pengunjung yang sudi hadir ke blog saya...